再說,一旦要講給其他人聽,常常會因為記憶模糊而無法精準表達。因此,上網找到幾位 YouTuber 無私分享他們的讀書技巧,儘管這些的方法未必概念一致,甚至有些矛盾,但對我而言都是值得嘗試的。
▌學習必須巧妙的編碼(Encoding):to reduce the knowledge decay of the forgetting curve to reduce the number of repetitive revisions and relearning sessions needed
“He broke down the two steps to effective encoding: higher-order learning and increasing memory tolerance.”
“First, we analyzed higher-order learning which can be visualized with a taxonomy of processing ideas and concepts. The lower order learning skills involve techniques of learning that don’t connect new content to known concepts and information.”
“We can skip lower-order learning and go right to higher-order learning, looking at the big picture and the lower-order learning concepts will fill in almost automatically. Higher-order learning sets up an organizational system to allow information to be processed and remembered. The levels of higher-order learning include applying, analyze and evaluating.”
“Apply is interpretation, sketching where the concept fits, analyze is comparing and contrasting other concepts and facts to new information, and evaluate is discriminating which connections between concepts are the most important.”
▌ How I take lecture notes in law school 📚
- 建立架構:依序把標題與次標題記錄下來,再依據各部份快速掃過,並寫下重點摘要。
- 分類:將欲深入了解的內容畫上不同顏色作為標記,也將關聯性的章節做上記號,幫助日後學習更有連貫性。
- 輸出:把學習到的知識解釋給自己聽,用自己可以理解的方式說出來,確認整體邏輯性並舉出相關例子(最好想像自己能講給五歲小孩聽懂的程度),或拿一張紙畫出架構圖。
▌有效率地做閱讀筆記:How To Take Effective Notes When Reading
- have accessories ready
- have a question in mind before you start
- highlighting resonating ideas after reading full page
- Take notes after reading every single chapter using active recall
- Write down 5–10 principles after reading producitvity or skill book based on the initial questions
- Review notes regularly (e.g. by transfering notes to computer)
▌間隔重複學習法(Spaced Repetition)