【永續發展】循環經濟、永續金融與實務工作坊|課程記錄 ①

30 min readNov 5, 2024


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優樂地永續CSRone永訊智庫汎永企管顧問推出 「2024 年企業永續 MA 培育計畫:青年永續規劃師培力」的課程,為即將畢業的同學建立知識體系,並與五家企業合作(包含新光保全、國泰金控、信義房屋、臺灣愛普生(EPSON)與大江生醫),讓學生接觸業界,了解產業的實踐經驗。







  1. 氣候變遷議題:TCFD 架構與揭露指引內容
  2. 國際永續準則概要
  3. 永續金融與投資實務


  1. 企業永續發展與永續治理〜從公司治理(CG)到企業社會責任(CSR)到企業永續發展(ESG)
  2. 氣候變遷及永續發展新趨勢
  3. 國際減碳趨勢
  4. 綠電交易與太陽能現況
  5. 什麼是循環經濟?


  1. 溫室氣體盤查實務與數位化碳盤查
  2. 比利時永續機構 VITO 桌遊
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▌氣候變遷議題:TCFD 架構與揭露指引內容

Due to feeling unwell the day before, I took a two-hour leave from this class to see a doctor. After the appointment, I hurried to catch a bus to class. It’s a bit funny because just the week before, we were joking in our group about who might take a leave the following week, and it turned out to be me!

  1. TCFD 架構協助企業評估、揭露氣候風險
    由金融穩定委員會於 2015 年成立的 TCFD,提供企業自願性的揭露架構,促進氣候相關財務揭露,幫助投資者、貸款者與保險業者,具有評估企業面臨的氣候風險原則。
  2. 科學基礎減量目標(SBTi)引導企業減碳
    SBTi 協助企業設定符合巴黎協定目標的減碳目標,控制全球升溫在工業革命前的 2℃ 以下,甚至 1.5℃ 以下。
  3. SBTi 審核標準嚴格
    必須遵循 GHG Protocol 等方法文件。
  4. SBTi 強調實質減碳
  5. 淨零排放成為企業目標
  6. 企業面臨實體風險: 指氣候變遷對企業實體資產與營運造成的直接影響,e.g. 工廠受損、供應鏈中斷等。
  7. 企業面臨轉型風險: 指因應氣候變遷政策與法規、科技發展、市場需求變化等因素,對企業營運模式以及財務表現造成的間接影響,e.g. 碳定價政策的實施增加企業的碳排放成本。
Photo by Jason Mavrommatis on Unsplash


金管會使用 GRI、SASB、TCFD 等架構,規範上市公司編製與申報企業社會責任報告書,以下將簡略紀錄差異:

👑 GRI(全球報告倡議組織)

  1. 溝通對象為多元利害關係人,使第三方能夠評估組織對自然、社會及環境的影響。
  2. 最新版本為 2021 年,於 2023 年 1 月 1 日正式生效。
  3. 報告皆須依循 GRI 1–3 通用準則,與 34 個特定主題準則及產業準則。
  4. 四大觀念與八大報導原則,e.g. 平衡性、清晰性、永續性脈絡、時效性、準確性、可比較性、完整性、可驗證性等。
  5. 重大主題鑑別流程包含四個步驟:
    步驟二:鑑別實際及潛在的衝擊,include 正面、負面、實際發生、潛在的、可逆或不可逆、短期或長期、蓄意或無意等衝擊類型。
    步驟三:評估衝擊的顯著性,可使用 e.g. 問卷調查、專家諮詢、焦點團體訪談、media 與社群監測等方法。
Photo by Todd Cravens on Unsplash

👑 SASB(永續會計準則委員會)

  1. 溝通對象以投資人為主,目標是推廣永續會計標準,讓企業組織藉由揭露對財務重大影響的一致性指標,輔佐投資者與投資機構做出相關決策。
  2. 揭露包含環境、領導與治理、社會資本、人力資本、商業模型與創新等五面向。
  3. 指標內涵與目標需具有財務重大性、對公司與投資者的決策有用、具有成本效益。
  4. 基於投資者關注及財務資訊兩大面向的證據,制定特定產業分類,包含 11 個行業與 77 個特定產業。
  5. 提供依照行業給予準則與指標項目,e.g. 房地產業的能源管理、水資源管理、客戶永續衝擊管理、氣候變遷調適等。


  1. 成立於 2017 年,由 G20 轄下之金融穩定委員會成立。
  2. 溝通對象以投資人為主,冀望衡量與應對氣候變遷之風險,幫助投資人、貸款機構與保險公司瞭解企業面臨的氣候變遷相關重大風險。
  3. 揭露包含四核心要素、11 個揭露指標。
  4. 強調風險與機會及設定氣候情境,include 六步驟來評估氣候相關風險。
Photo by Link Hoang on Unsplash


永續投資或是 ESG 投資是指投資者在投資決策中明確納入環境、社會與公司治理作為追求投資組合回報的考量因素。

  1. 為什麼金融業要推行永續金融?
    The financial sector is pushing for sustainable finance to address ESG issues that impact long-term economic stability and growth. By building sustainability into their financial operations, institutions aim to lower climate-related risks, boost their public image, follow regulations, and keep up with growing expectations from stakeholders for responsible investing.
    Furthermore, sustainable finance aids in shifting toward a low-carbon economy, aligning with international climate objectives and building resilience to social and environmental challenges.
  2. 有哪些永續金融產品?UBI 車險、風電保險、農業、健走型外溢保單等
    Sustainable finance products encompass options like green bonds, sustainability-linked loans, social impact bonds, and green mortgages, among others. Green bonds fund eco-friendly projects, while sustainability-linked loans provide incentives for companies to achieve specific ESG objectives.
    Social impact bonds focus on resolving social challenges, and green mortgages back investments in energy-efficient properties. These products aim to direct capital toward initiatives that deliver beneficial environmental and social impacts.
  3. 國際上目前有哪些推行的永續金融原則?
    Globally acknowledged sustainable finance principles include the UN Principles for Responsible Banking, the Equator Principles, and the Green Bond Principles. The UN Principles for Responsible Banking help banks align their operations with the Paris Agreement and SDGs. The Equator Principles offer a risk management framework for financing large-scale infrastructure projects, and the Green Bond Principles ensure transparency and accountability in green bond issuance, guaranteeing that funds are allocated to environmental projects.
  4. 永續金融要如何避開漂綠爭議?同時考量 SBTi 專家認證及目標?
    To prevent greenwashing, sustainable finance should emphasize transparency, accountability, and measurable results. Implementing standards from the SBTi enables financial institutions to set credible, scientifically grounded emission reduction targets.
    By obtaining SBTi certification, these institutions showcase their dedication to authentic sustainability objectives, minimizing the chances of overstated or misleading claims.
    Consistent reporting, third-party verification, and adherence to rigorous ESG criteria further enhance trust and credibility in sustainable finance practices.
  5. 整合 ESG 的重要性為何?
    Integrating ESG helps generate long-term financial, environmental, and social benefits, reduce risks and regulatory penalties, and meet stakeholder demands.
    (1)From a risk perspective, financial institutions view climate change as a potential systemic risk.
    (2)From a macroeconomic perspective, institutional investors should consider the external costs of their investments to avoid harming overall market returns.
    (3)From an impact perspective, investors should value the positive impact of their investments in addressing environmental and social issues.

在這堂課中,來自風管系的王教授讓我們了解全球環境的現況,她沒有使用過多金融術語,而是選擇透過國際知名的案例,e.g. 安隆會計弊案、德國支付廠商 Wirecard 詐欺案,來說明社會與環境因素如何影響投資者的看法。

為了創造長期的財務與社會環境共榮,必須採取措施來降低風險,e.g. 強化政府的監管措施及相關的罰則,確保企業在追求利潤的過程中,能夠滿足投資人與股東的期待,建立平衡的金融生態系。

Photo by Moritz Kindler on Unsplash


▌企業永續發展與永續治理〜從公司治理(CG)到企業社會責任(CSR) 到企業永續發展(ESG)

This class, in my opinion, the toughest one I’ve taken so far, possibly because I haven’t been exposed to that kind of environment before. Nevertheless, during the back-and-forth interactions, Chairman Zhu from Unity Sustainability Services Co., Ltd. helped everyone build a different way of thinking.

  1. 公司治理的演進
    2000 年代初期,安隆等公司治理弊案促使全球重視公司治理;2002 年美國通過 Sarbanes-Oxley Act ,強化公司治理的透明度與責任感,以防範企業舞弊與會計造假,並解決公司組織代理的問題,換言之是將所有權與經營權分離;近年來,公司治理已擴展至涵蓋 ESG 面向。
  2. 企業永續發展的階段
  3. 企業永續治理的權責
    上市櫃公司永續發展實務守則明確規範企業董事會在永續發展方面的權責,e.g. 訂定永續發展政策、將永續發展納入營運,從而確保資訊揭露的即時性與正確性等。
  4. 強化董事會永續治理機能
    提增董事會中女性董事的席次與比例、制定將董事/高階薪酬與 ESG 績效相連結的機制、設置直屬董事會的永續委員會與永續長。
  5. 我國淨零排放目標與路徑規劃
    政府宣布 2050 年淨零排放目標,規劃透過能源、產業、生活及社會四大轉型策略,以及科技研發與氣候法制兩大治理基礎,推動淨零排放。
  6. 上市櫃公司永續發展路徑圖
    金管會發布「上市櫃公司永續發展路徑圖」,引導企業進行淨零轉型;目標是在 2027 年前,所有上市櫃公司完成溫室氣體盤查,並在 2029 年前完成盤查查證。


  1. 碳定價:排放二氧化碳需支付費用。
  2. 碳信用
    碳信用分類:避免額度(Avoidance Credits)(最難認定)、減量額度(Reduction Credits)(相對較為直接)、移除額度(Removal Credits)(需要長期的管理與監測)。
  3. 調適:變化的變化的變化;例子:吐瓦魯的氣候變化調適因海平面上升而改變飲食習慣(從樹薯改吃米食)。
  4. 減緩:減少氣候變遷的影響。

This class finally gave me the opportunity to meet the esteemed Professor Yeh, whom I have long admired. I feel that he helped us organize the context of climate change and sustainable development, while also clarifying many concepts that are commonly discussed in the news and society. His insights and expertise not only enhanced my understanding of these pressing issues but also encouraged me to think critically about the various narratives surrounding them.

Professor Yeh’s ability to break down complex topics into more digestible information made the learning experience incredibly valuable, and I left the class feeling inspired and motivated to further explore these important subjects.

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  1. 能源轉型與國際合作
    呼籲增加碳匯,並根據巴黎協定第 6 條。換言之,上述法規提供一個去中心化的架構,允許各國根據需求選擇市場或非市場的方法進行合作。
  2. EU 電網的脫碳進程
    目標是到 2025 年減少 CO2/kW 排放,並發展自然碳匯;2024 年通過「自然復原法(Nature Restoration Law)」,阻止森林濫墾、昆蟲授粉情況的惡化,並將在 2030 年前新植 30 億棵樹木、讓 2 萬 5 千公里的河川恢復流動等。
  3. 碳稅與公平負擔碳成本
    隨著 CBAM 發展,全球碳稅制度將逐步實施;我國需關注出口導向策略,並以 CBAM 為例進行計算。
  4. 產品碳足跡管理
    (1)Adidas:透過材料創新生產低碳足跡跑鞋,減少 63% 碳排放;
  5. 遵循 ISO 14069–1 標準
  6. 企業面臨的淨零轉型挑戰
    碳鎖定:設備、電力係數及政治三大碳鎖定,並指出國際合作不足;透過碳定價改變設備成本?減碳僅有 BAT,沒有 BACT?原住民保留地有大量碳匯潛力?
    碳風險管理:根據 EU Directive 2009/29/EC 第十條第一款之規定,碳風險包含碳洩漏的直接成本,故企業需確保碳風險的管理。
  7. 淨零解方與碳交易
    基於 Coase 定理UNFCCC 京都議定書,強調交易的成本效益。
  8. 企業減碳金三角
    碳權、綠電及碳匯;老師在課程有說明幾個案例,e.g. 微軟在最初的碳中和策略中高度依賴碳權交易,意思是說,其購買碳權來抵消排放,但該做法引發爭議。許多批評者認為,這種方式可能延緩企業採取更積極的減碳措施,並沒有有效減排;台塑曾提出一項計劃,宣稱將在未來達成 40% 的碳排放減量目標。然而,計劃未提及「碳權」作為輔助工具的可能性,台塑若能將碳權納入其減排策略,或許能在達成目標時有彈性。
  9. 企業淨零轉型的三種策略:
  • 惜碳:優化物流與金流。
  • 減碳:透過 AI 技術減少碳排放。
  • 創碳:發展新的商業模式。
Photo by Alexandr Podvalny on Unsplash

This course focuses on international standards. While everyone has heard of these topics in previous sessions, the detailed explanations provided throughout the course have made a lasting impression on us. The in-depth discussions not only clarified the principles behind these standards but also emphasized their significance in a global context.

By exploring real-world applications and case studies, we’ve gained a deeper understanding of how these guidelines influence practices across different industries and regions.

Photo by Aslı Yılmaz on Unsplash


This class is quite interesting, and I personally enjoy it a lot. The topics covered are engaging, and I find myself looking forward. The way the Chairman presents the material makes it easy to grasp complex concepts, and the discussions we have in class encourage me to think critically. Overall, it’s a great learning experience that enhances my understanding and keeps me motivated.

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  1. 綠電核心議題與背景
  2. 火力發電基本概念
  3. 電力創新案例
    ABB 超高壓磁流傳輸技術,可減少電力損耗。
    ABB 被日本 HITACHI 收購。
  4. 過年期間再生能源佔比佔新高
    今(2024)年過年期間(大年初二),再生能源占 50%(超出預期)。
  5. 國際政策與市場動向
    COP 會議決定:推動淘汰燃料,面對以燃煤作為出口的國家,涉及轉型正義問題。
  6. 民營火力發電廠發展
    IPP 開放:1994 年、1995 年第一波開放。
    再生能源元年:2009 年。
  7. 碳權與環境政策
  8. 氣象預測應用
    可透過 Windy app 預測颱風與風力變化。
  9. 產業合作與政策執行
Photo by Vincent van Zalinge on Unsplash


  1. 目前發展太陽能發電最主要的阻礙是什麼?
  2. 為什麼早年董事會可以接受兩年環評?
Photo by Andrew Alexander on Unsplash


  1. 淨零路徑四個策略
  2. 循環經濟:可減少 45% 的碳排放。
  3. 產品回收與設計
    問題:2008 年因環保因素,變壓器灌膠導致無法回收。
  4. 資源循環促進法:目前引起業界反彈,原因包含:
  5. 再生材料的挑戰
Photo by Alesia Kazantceva on Unsplash

The themes of this class are quite relatable to everyday life, and my teammates are all very interested in the topics we discuss. After class, I took the initiative to follow up with our teacher on a few specific cases that caught my attention.

I find it really enriching to delve deeper into these examples, as they help bridge the gap between theoretical knowledge and real-world applications. Engaging with my classmates during discussions also enhances my understanding, and I appreciate the collaborative learning environment we have. It’s inspiring to see how we can all connect the course material to our own experiences and interests.

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課程首先介紹七種主要的溫室氣體種類,並以 CO2e 當量來呈現溫室氣體排放量。此外,課程也說明溫室氣體盤查的作業流程,e.g. 設定邊界、鑑別排放源、計算排放量、文件化報告、查證與管理改善等步驟。

  1. 運輸造成之間接溫室氣體排放:以卡車、貨車、船、飛機等運輸工具為例,說明其排放形式、潛在排放源以及活動數據來源。
  2. 綠電與再生能源:綠電的定義,及太陽光電、風力、水力、地熱發電、生質能等再生能源的排放係數為零。
  3. 排放源項目查找:如何利用公司財產清冊、租賃合約、燃料繳費單據、維修保養單據等文件查找排放源,需注意公司財產目錄納入規則、設備報廢日期。
  4. ISO 1406X 系列標準:介紹 ISO 14064–1、ISO 14064–2、ISO 14067 等標準,說明其適用範圍與關聯性。
  5. 燃油排放:燃油會產生 CO2、CH4、N2O 等溫室氣體。
  6. 人為逸散:e.g. 製冷設備、滅火器,其活動數據、活動數據來源、重要資訊與佐證資料。
  7. 外購電力:如何計算外購電力的溫室氣體排放量。
Photo by Toa Heftiba on Unsplash


  1. 找出重大議題:投資人:誠信、風險管理、職安、勞動人權等。
  2. GRI 指標撰寫:揭露項目、措施內容。
  3. ESG 文稿潤飾
  4. 排版、美編
Photo by Khadeeja Yasser on Unsplash

▌比利時永續機構 VITO 桌遊:Risk & RACE 決策風暴 — 風險、資產、循環

Playing the circular economy board game was an enlightening experience that deepened my understanding of the differences between linear and circular economic models.

比利時永續機構 VITO 桌遊:Risk & RACE 決策風暴

I learned about various methods of production and sales within a circular economy, such as leasing versus outright sales. The game emphasized the importance of adopting eco-friendly materials and redesigning products to align with sustainability principles.

Furthermore, I gained insights into the significance of developing technologies for reverse logistics, recycling, and remanufacturing to create a circular ecosystem. This experience highlighted the critical role of investment and development in enhancing business performance and managing associated risks.



In this course, I became aware that my understanding of sustainability, along with that of many of my classmates, is often limited to a single dimension. Many times, we tend to view issues from a specific perspective, simplifying or reducing them to one aspect. For example, many people equate sustainability with carbon reduction or environmental protection, overlooking its complex.

I was also guilty of this; initially, I approached sustainability from the perspective of regulations and policies, believing that legal frameworks are the primary tools for promoting sustainable development, and that policies are the means to solve problems.

However, as the course progressed, I realized that sustainability also requires an in-depth discussion of economic strategies, social responsibilities, technological innovations, and cultural values. The interconnections and interactions among these related fields make the realm of sustainability vast and multi-layered.

Photo by D A V I D S O N L U N A on Unsplash

▌ESG 面試問題集錦

I have compiled a list of interview questions that the teachers occasionally mentioned during the course. These questions cover a range of topics and skills relevant to our field of study.

  • Have you seen our company’s sustainability report? Do you have any suggestions?
  • Share an experience leading or participating in an ESG project. How was it executed, and what was the biggest challenge encountered during the process?
  • When promoting ESG goals, how do you ensure the sustainability of the supply chain? What measures would you take to manage ESG risks among suppliers?
  • In light of the increasingly evolving ESG regulations and market demands, what do you believe will be the most important trends for businesses in this area in the coming years? How would you help businesses respond to these trends?
  • How do you track and measure the outcomes of ESG projects? What specific indicators or tools do you use?
Photo by Seth kane on Unsplash


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  2. Environmental Attribute Certificates (EACs)
  3. How The $1 Trillion Green Bond Market Works
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  5. Coase Theorem: What It Means in Economics and Law, With Examples
  6. Risk & RACE 官方網站
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